Wie alt wurde Artur Rubinstein?

Wie alt wurde Artur Rubinstein?

28. Januar 1887 – 20. Dezember 1982
Artur Rubinstein/Lebensjahre
Artur Rubinstein (* 28. Januar 1887 in Łódź; † 20. Dezember 1982 in Genf) war ein weltbekannter polnischer Pianist. Er gilt bis heute als einer der größten Chopin-Interpreten.

Wann starb Arthur Rubinstein?

20. Dezember 1982
Artur Rubinstein/Sterbedatum

Wo lebte Arthur Rubin?

Artur Rubinstein, auch Arthur Rubinstein geschrieben (geboren am 28. Januar 1887 in Łódź, damals Russisches Kaiserreich; gestorben am 20. Dezember 1982 in Genf), war ein jüdischer Pianist, der als Exilpole im Alter von 60 Jahren die US-amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft annahm.

When did Artur Rubinstein die?

Artur Rubinstein, Artur also spelled Arthur, (born January 28, 1887, Łódź, Poland, Russian Empire—died December 20, 1982, Geneva, Switzerland), Polish American virtuoso pianist regarded by many as the 20th century’s foremost interpreter of the repertoire.

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Who was Aniela Mlynarski Rubinstein?

TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Aniela Mlynarski Rubinstein, the widow of the pianist Arthur Rubinstein and a patron of charities and the arts in New York, died on Monday at her home on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. She was 93.

What is Albert Rubinstein known for?

Rubinstein was known as a witty extrovert and an irrepressible raconteur, but he was also a serious musician whose stage presence enhanced his playing. He made more than 200 recordings. Rubinstein was awarded the United States Medal of Freedom in 1976.

What happened to Rubinstein in the 1920s?

Another trip to the United States in 1919 proved to be lacklustre, however. During the 1920s Rubinstein developed a reputation as a cosmopolitan socialite, but in 1932 he married Aniela Młynarski and began to seriously analyze his artistry.
