Wie geht Sea Shepherd vor?

Wie geht Sea Shepherd vor?

Unsere Schiffe sind oft monatelang unterwegs, um Gewässer zu patrouillieren, Fangschiffe zu kontrollieren und Wilderei zu stoppen. Auf See wie an Land sind Freiwillige im Einsatz gegen die Meeresverschmutzung und sorgen dafür, dass Schutzgesetze beachtet werden, um die Vielfalt in unseren Ozeanen zu erhalten.

Wo ist Paul Watson?

Der Tierschutzaktivist Paul Watson ist aus der Haft in Frankfurt am Main entlassen worden. Der 61-jährige Gründer der Organisation „Sea Shepherd“ hinterlegte eine Kaution von 250.000 Euro.

Woher kommt Sea Shepherd?

Sea Shepherd Global wurde 2013 gegründet, ist in Amsterdam ansässig und wird von Geschäftsführer Captain Alex Cornelissen geleitet.

What happened to ‚Whale Wars‘?

So what happened to Whale Wars? The anti-whaling organization, Sea Shepherd, has been at the center of the show’s mission. SS’s founder, Paul Watson, had an injunction slapped against both him and the group that focuses the majority of its efforts at ending that Japanese whaling industry in the South Ocean.

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Is ‚Whale Wars‘ a brand-definitional series?

But Animal Planet President Marjorie Kaplan says Whale Wars is “brand-definitional” and “very powerful“ and „very central to what we want to stand for.”

Why isn’t Whale Wars season 6 on Animal Planet?

This injunction is the main reason why Animal Planet didn’t air a full sixth season of Whale Wars, because they were very busy trying to find a solution/workaround/ appeal to the legal cease-and-desist letter they were sent that ruled in favor of ICR’s wishes.

Are there any pro-whaling people out there?

It’s hard to imagine that there is a significant demographic of people who are actually pro-whaling in this day and age, yet here we are. Animal Planet’s Whale Wars is at the center of the whaling controversy, and the program’s received so much backlash that its entire sixth season was actually condensed to a two-hour special.