Wie gross ist Cybertron?

Wie groß ist Cybertron?

Primus und Unicron sind sowas wie Brüder und so groß wie ca. 3 Planeten aber Unicron war das Böse. Primus war das Gute darum bekämpfte er Unicron.

Wie groß ist unicron?

Bis zu 1000 km: Unicron Den Abschluss unseres Features bildet der größte Transformer aller Zeiten. Dieses Monstrum ist nicht 500 m oder 1000 m hoch, nein, es hat, zumindest zeitweise, eine Planetengröße mit einem Durchmesser von mehr oder minder 1000 km!

Wann kommt ein neuer Transformers Film?

Bis zum Kinostart am 23. Juni 2022 muss er schließlich noch eine Weile überleben.

Where is Cybertron located?

Cybertron is the Transformers‘ home planet. It is located in the Inner Central Region of the Gamma Quadrant on the Central Plane of the Milky Way galaxy.

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What is Cybertron in the Transformers?

Cybertron (planet) Cybertron is ( almost always) a shining metal, technological world; a planet of towering future cities without end and vast metallic plains, spiraling metal mountains and bottomless neon-lit chasms. Battling over control of Cybertron and its resources is frequently the motivation for, or origin of, the Transformers‘ epic wars.

What is the nature of life on Cybertron?

Aside from the Transformers, the world seems to possess the mechanical equivalent of plant and animal life, though the exact nature and origin of this lower „life“ has never been examined in detail. This version of Cybertron has rough hewn mountain ranges and great seas. (Though of note these seas are not made of water.

How did Cybertron become one with other mechanical planets?

Prior to the Great War, Cybertron had trade relations with other mechanical planets. As Cybertron reconstructed itself following Unicron’s defeat, the Dark Matrix entity merged itself with the planet infecting every crack and becoming one with it as Primus had done before.

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