Wie heissen die Blockfloten?

Wie heißen die Blockflöten?

Zur Blockflöten-Familie gehören Sopran-Blockflöte, Alt-Blockflöte, Tenor-Blockflöte und Bass-Blockflöte. Sie werden wie bei den Chorstimmen in Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass unterteilt, klingen jedoch jeweils eine Oktave höher als die entsprechende menschliche Stimmlage.

Wie viele tonlöcher hat Blockflöte?

Die Blockflöte ist ein Blasinstrument. Sie hat auf der Oberseite 7 Löcher und auf der Unterseite ein Loch für den Daumen. Um unterschiedliche Töne zu spielen, deckt man die Löcher mit den Fingern ab. Je mehr Löcher abgedeckt sind, um so tiefer klingt der Ton.

What is the history of the recorder?

In 1984, an application for European Patent 0138231 was filed for a fully keyed recorder by the saxophonist Arnfred Rudolf Strathmann of Memsdorf and granted i1987 (see also United States Patent 4664011 ), Strathmann’s recorder featured the elaborate keywork and fingerings of a saxophone.

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What is the difference between a recorder and a flute?

The volume of sound for all notes is stronger than on conventional recorders, and the timbre is said to be between that of a recorder and flute (Huene 1994). These instruments have been made in both soprano and alto models.

What is the difference between an indicating and recorder?

Recorders usually have indications built into them for showing the instantaneous value of the instrument signal (s) simultaneously with the historical values, and for this reason are usually designated as indicating recorders.

How did the recorder evolve into a baroque instrument?

The evolution of the Renaissance recorder into the Baroque instrument is generally attributed to the Hotteterre family, in France. They developed the ideas of a more tapered bore, bringing the finger-holes of the lowermost hand closer together, allowing greater range, and enabling the construction of instruments in several jointed sections.