Wie heissen die Bosen von Twilight?

Wie heißen die Bösen von Twilight?


Vampir Name „menschlicher“ Name geboren im Jahr
Carlisle Cullen Carlisle Cullen Anfang 1640 in London, England
Edward Cullen Edward Anthony Masen Cullen 20. Juni 1901 in Chicago, Illinois
Esme Cullen Esme Anne Platt Evenson Culllen 1895 in Kolumbien, Ohio
Rosalie Hale Rosalie Lillian Hale Anfang 1915 in Rochester, New York

Wird Bella Swan ein Vampir?

In Breaking Dawn heiratet sie Edward am 13. Sie wird von Edward in einen Vampir verwandelt, nachdem sie fast ihre Tochter Renesmee Cullen, ein Mensch-Vampir-Hybrid, zur Welt gebracht hat.

Is Alice Cullen related to Edward Cullen?

Alice Cullen (born Mary Alice Brandon in 1901) is a precognitive vampire and member of the Olympic coven. She is the wife of Jasper Hale, the adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, and the adoptive sister of Emmett Cullen, Edward Cullen, and Rosalie Hale.

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How old is Alice Cullen from Twilight?

Alice Cullen born Mary Alice Brandon, is a vampire and member of the Cullen family. Not much is known about her life before becoming a vampire. She was born in 1901 in Biloxi, Missisippi.She does not remember much about her life before becoming a vampire. She was institutionalized by her parents, seemingly because of her ability to see the future.

Is Alice Cullen related to Jasper Hale?

Alice Cullen (born Mary Alice Brandon in 1901) is a precognitive vampire and member of the Olympic coven. She is the wife of Jasper Hale, the adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, the adoptive sister of Emmett Cullen, Edward Cullen and Rosalie Hale.

How does Alice get Bella to meet the Cullens?

On Friday, Alice takes up the courage to introduce herself to Bella. When Bella comes to visit the Cullens‘ house, Alice is polite and friendly, acting as if Bella is already a member of the family. Later that day, the Cullens decide to play baseball, with Alice as the pitcher, and invite Bella along to watch.

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