Wie heisst der beste Freund von Bart Simpson?

Wie heißt der beste Freund von Bart Simpson?

Milhouse van Houten, synchronisiert von Michaela Amler, ist Barts bester Freund. Er hat blaue Haare und trägt eine dicke, rote Brille, ebenso wie seine Eltern Kirk und Luann van Houten.

Wie heißen die drei Rowdys von den Simpson?

Jimbo Jones

Spitzname: jimbo
Geschlecht: Männlich
Besondere Merkmale: Rowdy
Alter: 18
Beruf: Schüler

Where did ededna Krabappel live on the Simpsons?

Edna Krabappel (see “ Love Life “ below regarding her last name) was a recurring character in The Simpsons and a 4th-grade teacher at Springfield Elementary School until her retirement in 2013. She lived at 82 Evergreen Terrace, but later moved to 744 Evergreen Terrace, after marrying Ned Flanders, the widower of Maude Flanders.

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What happened to Marjorie on ‚the Simpsons‘?

In the Season 25 episode “ The Man Who Grew Too Much „, Ned and Nelson mentioned that they miss her. Her passing was indicated by Ned wearing a black armband, but was never shown on-screen. Born in Springfield on January 21, she was an A-grade student back in school and held a Master’s in education from Bryn Mawr College.

What kind of character is Edna from the Simpsons?

Outside school, Edna was portrayed as a typical mid-life single adult, heavy smoker, gambler, and occasional solitary drinker trying to find the right man. She had numerous affairs with many Springfieldians; her recurring choice always being Principal Skinner, usually out of pity rather than affection.

Why is Ned wearing a black armband in season 25?

The black armband Ned is wearing shows Edna had died some time previously as they generally mark the remembrance of a deceased person. Edna’s death had been hinted at earlier in Season 25 in “ Four Regrettings and a Funeral “ when a sad Bart wrote, „We’ll really miss you Mrs. K.“ only one time on the chalkboard during the opening sequence.

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