Wie heisst der Kollege von John Le Carre?

Wie heißt der Kollege von John Le Carre?

John Le Carré zählt zu den größten Autoren seiner Zeit: Ian Fleming verdanken wir den Geheimagenten James Bond, John le Carré dessen Kollegen George Smiley. Er ist die Hauptfigur in fünf Romanen. Le Carré, der mit bürgerlichem Namen David Cornwell hieß, ist Mitte Dezember im Alter von 89 Jahren gestorben.

Wann ist John le Carre gestorben?

12. Dezember 2020
John le Carré/Sterbedatum

Wer erfand John le Carre?

Nachdem er selbst für die britischen Geheimdienste MI5 und MI6 gearbeitet hatte, wurde le Carré ab den 1960er Jahren durch seine Spionageromane bekannt….Einzelnachweise.

ALTERNATIVNAMEN Cornwell, David John Moore (wirklicher Name)
KURZBESCHREIBUNG britischer Schriftsteller
GEBURTSDATUM 19. Oktober 1931

What is the other name of John le Carré?

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Alternative Title: David John Moore Cornwell. John le Carré, pseudonym of David John Moore Cornwell, (born October 19, 1931, Poole, Dorset, England), English writer of suspenseful, realistic spy novels based on a wide knowledge of international espionage.

What was le Carré’s cause of death?

Acting senior coroner for Cornwall Andrew Cox recorded a conclusion of accidental death. Mr Cox told the hearing that David John Moore Cornwell, Le Carré’s real name, died from bronchial pneumonia, rib fractures and prostate cancer.

What nationality was John le Carré’s grandmother?

John le Carré’s grandmother was Irish, having been born in County Cork. Towards the end of his life, when he researched his Irish ancestors, he discovered that this made him eligible for Irish citizenship, and he obtained an Irish passport, partly because he was strongly opposed to the effect of Brexit on the UK.

Why does John le Carré have a nom de plume?

Specifically, right before the U.S. invaded Iraq, le Carré wrote an article titled „The United States of America has gone mad“. Being a member of MI6 when he wrote his first novel, „Call for the Dead“ (1961) in Hamburg, it necessitated the use of a nom de plume, by which he is now commonly known.

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