Wie heisst der Roboter aus Wall-E?

Wie heißt der Roboter aus Wall-E?

Eines Tages findet WALL·E in einem versteckten Winkel ein kleines Pflänzchen und nimmt dieses in seine Sammlung auf. Bald darauf landet ein Raumtransporter auf der Erde und setzt den Roboter EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator) aus.

Wann spielt Wall E?

Am weitesten in die Zukunft hat sich ausgerechnet ein Disney-Film vorgewagt – der im Jahr 2008 veröffentlichte Animationsfilm „Wall-E“, der im Jahr 2805 spielt.

In welcher Zeit spielt Wall E?

Wann kommt Wall-E im Fernsehen?

Der TV-Kanal des Disney-Konzerns versorgt euch aktuell jeden Freitag ab 20.15 Uhr mit Highlights aus dem reichhaltigen hauseigenen Animationsfundus.

What does M-O mean in WALL-E?

M-O (meaning M icrobe O bliterator) is one of the two tritagonists of the 2008 Disney / Pixar animated feature film WALL-E . M-O is a persistent neat-freak.

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What happened to WALL E after the axiom?

After the Axiom arrive back on Earth, M-O, with the reject bots, follow EVE, who rushes WALL•E back to his truck. They stop as they see a roof of the truck explode (EVE has blasted a hole in the roof to give WALL•E sunlight to recharge).

What happened to WALL E in Star Wars?

He and the rejects lower their heads as they mourn the „death“ of WALL•E, who has gotten crushed and severely damaged in a valiant effort to keep the holo-detector open (AUTO, unable to disobey his directive, had closed the holo-detector on WALL•E before being finally deactivated by the ship’s captain ).

What is the release date of the original WALL E?

WALL-E was released in the United States on June 27, 2008. The film was critically praised for its animation, story, voice acting, characters, visuals, score, use of minimal dialogue, and scenes of romance. It was also commercially successful, grossing $521.3 million worldwide over a $180 million budget.

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