Wie heisst der Sanger von CCR?

Wie heißt der Sänger von CCR?

John Fogerty
Tom FogertyStu CookDoug Clifford
Creedence Clearwater Revival/Mitglieder

Creedence Clearwater Revival (abgekürzt als CCR) war eine US-amerikanische Rockband aus Berkeley, Kalifornien, die unter diesem Bandnamen zwischen November 1967 und November 1972 aktiv war. Musik und Text ihrer Stücke stammen im Wesentlichen von ihrem Gründer, dem Sänger und Gitarristen John Fogerty.

Woher kommt der Name Creedence Clearwater Revival?

Woher kommt der seltsam anmutende Name der Band? Das ist schnell erzählt. “Credence” Nuball war ein guter Freund Tom Fogertys, seinem Namen wurde noch ein “e” zugefügt. “Clearwater” war eine Biermarke und “Revival” symbolisierte den Zusammenhalt der vier Musiker als Band.

Who is Tom Fogerty?

The musician was with the same record company as Creedence, Fantasy Records. His debut solo album named Tom Fogerty reached #78 on the Billboard 200 chart. In the second solo album Excalibur, he had Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead) and Merl Saunders playing.

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What happened to the band Fogerty?

They were one of the great bands of the 1960s and 1970s who’s legacy has largely been overlooked. The band consisted of many talented performers including rhythm guitarist and vocalist Tom Fogerty. Tom Fogerty died unexpectedly in 1990. At the time, it was widely accepted that this was due to tuberculosis.

Why did Tom Fogerty leave CCR?

As well as political and socially conscious lyrics about topics including the Vietnam War. The band also performed at the 1969 Woodstock Festival in Upstate New York. Due to lack of vocal and songwriting opportunity and the long-standing animosity with John, Tom Fogerty left CCR in the beginning of 1971, just after they finished the album Pendulum.

What happened to Tom Fogerty of Creedence Clearwater Revival?

Some of those fans believe that the success of Creedence Clearwater Revival was a result of Tom Fogerty being eclipsed by his brother John. It was John’s songs that the band played and John who sang the lead vocals on all of them. Once Creedence Clearwater Revival was no more, John Fogerty also became a solo performer.

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