Wie heisst die Band von School of Rock?

Wie heißt die Band von School of Rock?

School of Rock ist einer der wenigen Spielfilme, der einen Song von Led Zeppelin verwenden darf, nämlich den Immigrant Song.

Wie heißt Tomika von School of Rock in echt?

Besetzung und Synchronisation

Rolle Darsteller Synchronsprecher
Tomika Breanna Yde Emily Seubert
Summer Jade Pettyjohn Liza Ohm
Lawrence Aidan Miner Piet Nowatzky
Freddy Ricardo Hurtado Flemming Stein

Wie viele Folgen hat die 3 Staffel von School of Rock?


Staffel Episodenanzahl Erstausstrahlung USA
1 12 12. März 2016
2 13 17. September 2016
3 20 8. Juli 2017

Wie viele Staffeln hat School of Rock?

School of Rock (Fernsehserie)

Jahr(e) 2016–2018
Produktions- unternehmen Armogida Brothers Productions, Passable Entertainment, Paramount Television, Nickelodeon Productions
Länge ca. 22 Minuten
Episoden 33+ in 3 Staffeln (Liste)
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Does Rosalie Mullins ever sing a song?

Dewey Finn : YES! Rosalie Mullins , Dewey Finn : [singing the Stevie Nicks song while doing a high-5] Sings a song, sounds like she’s singing whooo! Baby whoo!

Who are the actors in the movie School of rock?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. School of Rock is a 2003 comedy film directed by Richard Linklater, produced by Scott Rudin, and written by Mike White. The film stars Jack Black, Joan Cusack, White, and Sarah Silverman.

What did Miss Mullins say to Dewey Finn?

Miss Mullins : Well, it’s not school uniform. [She pulls his left sleeve down, and he turns away with a rebellious expression. Frankie, Michelle, and Eleni have observed this] Frankie : Miss Mullins, you’re the Man. Miss Mullins : Thank you, Frankie! Dewey Finn : [alerted that Miss Mullins is approaching, Dewey starts writing on the chalkboard]

What is the School of rock in the Outsiders?

During one eloquent lesson, he teaches the kids that rock and roll is the way to „Stick it to the Man“ and stand up for themselves. Band „groupies“ Michelle and Eleni, with Summer’s approval, pitch the band name „The School of Rock.“

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