Wie heisst die Chefin von 007?

Wie heißt die Chefin von 007?

Viele Filmfans kennen Judi Dench trotz ihrer enormen Vita vor allem als MI6-Chefin M, die strenge Vorgesetzte von James Bond 007. Zwischen 1995 in GoldenEye mit Pierce Brosnan und 2015 in Spectre mit Daniel Craig verkörperte Judi Dench M insgesamt acht Mal.

Was bedeutet M bei 007?

M ist Leiter des Geheimdienstes MI6 und der direkte Vorgesetzte von Commander James Bond. Der Deckname M leitet sich von „Sir Miles Messervy“ (nach anderen Quellen wird der Vorname auch „Myles“ geschrieben) ab, dem bürgerlichen Namen des Geheimdienstchefs in den Romanen.

Who is Judi Dench?

Dame Judi Dench is an English actress who has worked in theatre, television, and film. Dench made her professional debut in 1957 with the Old Vic Company. Over the following few years, she played in several of Shakespeare’s plays in such roles as Ophelia in Hamlet, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, and Lady Macbeth in Macbeth.

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What awards has Judith Dench won?

Dench won an Academy Award in 1999 for her role in Shakespeare in Love and earned additional nominations for her work in such films as Chocolat and Philomena. Actress Judith Olivia Dench was born on December 9, 1934, in North Yorkshire, England, to parents Reginald, a doctor, and Eleanora.

Was Judi Dench in the York Mystery Plays?

During these years, Judi Dench was involved on a non-professional basis in the first three productions of the modern revival of the York Mystery Plays in 1951, 1954 and 1957. In the third production she played the role of the Virgin Mary, performed on a fixed stage in the Museum Gardens.

What movies has Judi Dench been in in 2002?

Dench’s other film of 2002 was Die Another Day, the twentieth instalment in the James Bond series. The Lee Tamahori –directed spy film marked her fourth appearance as MI6 head M and the franchise’s last performance by Pierce Brosnan as Bond.

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