Wie heisst die Mutter von Stanley Yelnats?

Wie heißt die Mutter von Stanley Yelnats?

Besetzung und Synchronisation

Rolle Darsteller Beschreibung
Stanley Yelnats III Henry Winkler Vater von Stanley
Stanley Yelnats II Nathan Davis Großvater von Stanley
Tiffany Yelnats Siobhan Fallon Mutter von Stanley
Rex (X-Ray) Brenden Jefferson Einer der straffällig gewordenen Jugendlichen in Camp Green Lake, Anführer in Zelt D

Was ist Stanley Yelnats Spitzname?

Pech fürdich.“) Stanley kommt zum Loch zurück. Sein Loch ist fertig gegraben – durch Zero….Löcher: die Geheimnisse von Green Lake.

Name Spitzname Einschätzung der Anderen (dies von Schülern erfragen)
Theodore Deo Körpergeruch
José Magnet Dieb

What kind of person is Stanley Yelnats?

„Stanley“ is „Yelnats“ spelled backwards, and because of this, many members of the Yelnats family have been named Stanley, including Stanley’s father and grandfather. Stanley is a good-hearted teenager born to a luckless family who have been cursed for years. He is a very responsible, nice, caring teenager.

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Is Stanley Yelnats a good character in holes?

Stanley Yelnats Character Analysis in Holes | SparkNotes Stanley is the protagonist of Holes, although he is an unlikely hero. He is an overweight boy who does not have any friends from school and is often picked on by his classmates and the school bully, Derrick Dunne.

Is Stanley Yelnats Elya’s son?

Stanley Yelnats I is a recurring character in the 2003 live-action film, Holes. He is the son of Elya Yelnats .

What is the Stanley Yelnats curse?

Stanley Yelnats was born to the Latvian immigrant Elya and his wife Sarah Yelnats in New York in 1892. As a young man, Stanley the First later became successful banker and stockbroker, and made an untold fortune. However the curse got Stanley the First at the worst time in 1919.
