Wie heisst die neue Lara Croft?

Wie heißt die neue Lara Croft?

Im April 2016 wurde schließlich Oscarpreisträgerin Alicia Vikander als neue Lara Croft bekanntgegeben.

Wo wohnt Lara Croft?

Die Aristokratin Lara Croft wohnt alleinstehend auf ihrem schlossähnlichen Landsitz in England. Offiziell arbeitet sie als Fotojournalistin, aber in Wirklichkeit ist sie Grabräuberin (engl. tomb raider) und immer auf der Suche nach neuen, unentdeckten Schätzen der Vergangenheit.

Wie viel Filme gibt es von Tomb Raider?

Der Überblick über die „Tomb Raider“-Reihenfolge: „Lara Croft: Tomb Raider“ (2001) „Tomb Raider: Die Wiege des Lebens“ (2003) „Tomb Raider“ (2018)

Who is the actress in Tomb Raider?

Keeley Hawes is currently the actress who has portrayed Lara in the most games starting in 2006 with Tomb Raider: Legend and in 2014 for Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.

What is the story of Tomb Raider?

The Story of Tomb Raider Legend focuses on Lara ’s search for her mother and the sword Excalibur. Notice: Legend is essentially a reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise and makes very few references to any prior games and the storyline is standalone. There are, however, a few „Easter Eggs“ referencing the previous games as well as the two feature films.

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What is the Tomb Raider Legend?

Tomb Raider: Legend is an action-adventure video game developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Eidos Interactive . It is the seventh entry in the Tomb Raider series and the first in a franchise reboot that reimagined the origins and character of series protagonist Lara Croft .

Who is the cast of Tomb Raider?

Cast Kate Beckinsale as Lara Croft , tomb raider. Chris Evans as Alex West, an American adventurer. Rosamund Pike as Jacqueline Natla, the film’s main villain. Christopher Eccelston as Manfred Powell, Natla’s right hand man. Jason Clarke as Larson Conway, a hitman who works for Powell. Francois Cluzet as Pierre Dupont , a French treasure hunter.