Wie heisst die Schwester von Pinkie Pie?

Wie heißt die Schwester von Pinkie Pie?

sind diese so gering das nur andere Pies sie wahr nehmen können. Maud ist die große Schwester von Pinkie Pie, die mit ihrer quirligen Art im krassen Gegensatz zu ihr steht.

Wen spricht Anne Wünsche bei My Little Pony?

My Little Pony – Der Film startet am 05. Oktober 2017 in den deutschen Kinos und FILM.TV hat exklusiv erfahren, dass Reality-Soap-Star Anne Wünsche eine Sprechrolle in dem Animationsfilm übernimmt. Die durch Berlin – Tag & Nacht bekannt gewordene Schauspielerin leiht im Film Kapitän Celaeno ihre Stimme.

What is Hello Hello Pinkie Pie?

Hello Pinkie Pie is a series of 3D-animated digital shorts based on My Little Pony Friendship is Magic produced by Cake Mix Studios. The series stars Pinkie Pie as she hosts a fictional talk show, with Gummy as her co-host and musical entertainment, and discusses various topics. Hello Pinkie Pie!

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What does Pinkie Pie do in Pinkie spy?

In Pinkie Spy, Pinkie Pie constantly ruins Rainbow’s attempts of not being seen when spying on Crystal Prep Academy’s sports team. Pinkie also makes a brief cameo at the beginning of All’s Fair in Love & Friendship Games skipping out the school entrance. Pinkie Pie gains the ability to make sweets explode.

What is Pinkie Pie’s father’s name in the books?

Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz. Pinkie Pie’s father is Igneous Rock Pie, simply Igneous Rock in the chapter book Pinkie Pie and the Rockin‘ Ponypalooza Party! and some merchandise. He first appears in Pinkie Pie’s flashback in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, with a voiced role by Terry Klassen.

Who is Pinkie Pie’s voice actor?

Pinkie Pie and other characters are voiced by unknown voice actors throughout the series; in response to not being cast to voice Pinkie herself, Andrea Libman stated on Twitter in August 2019, „Oh wow.

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