Wie heisst Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart seine Frau?

Wie heißt Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart seine Frau?

Constanze Mozartverh. 1782–1791
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/Ehepartner

Am 4. August 1782 heiratete Mozart seine Frau Constanze Weber. Sie war die jüngere Schwester der Sängerin Aloisia Weber, die Mozart 1777 bei seinem Aufenthalt in Mannheim kennengelernt hat.

Wie hieß Mozarts Geliebte?

Die einzige Geliebte, über die sich die neueren Biografien einig sind, ist Mozarts Augsburger Cousine Maria Anna Thekla Mozart, sein „Bäsle“.

Wie hieß die aus Mannheim stammende erste Liebe Mozarts?

Maria Aloisia Antonia Lange, geborene Aloisia Weber (* zwischen 1759 und 1761 in Zell im Wiesental; † 8.

Who is Aloysia Weber’s sister?

Born in Zell im Wiesental, Aloysia Weber was one of the four daughters of the musical Weber family. Her three sisters were soprano Josepha Weber (1758–1819), who premiered the role of the Queen of the Night in Mozart’s The Magic Flute; Constanze Weber, the wife of Mozart; and Sophie Weber.

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Who was Aloysia Weber Lange?

Maria Aloysia Antonia Weber Lange (c. 1760 – 8 June 1839) was a German soprano, remembered primarily for her association with the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . Born in Zell im Wiesental, Aloysia Weber was one of the four daughters of the musical Weber family.

How many siblings did Constanze von Weber have?

Fridolin’s half-brother was the father of composer Carl Maria von Weber. Constanze had two older sisters, Josepha and Aloysia, and one younger one, Sophie. All four were trained as singers and Josepha and Aloysia both went on to distinguished musical careers, later on performing in the premieres of a number of Mozart’s works.

What happened to Weber’s family?

The ever-travelling Weber family — last seen in Munich, and now minus the departed Fridolin — had, by this time, moved to Vienna. Mozart was more than happy to lodge with them in St Peter’s Square.