Wie heisst Zirkus in der Mehrzahl?

Wie heißt Zirkus in der Mehrzahl?

Circus. Worttrennung: Zir·kus, Plural: Zir·kus·se. Zirkus.

Welche Deklination ist Circus?

Die Deklination von Circus im Singular

Nominativ Singular der Circus
Genitiv Singular des Circus
Dativ Singular dem Circus
Akkusativ Singular den Circus

Wie ist die Mehrzahl von Fuchsbau?

Substantiv, m

Singular Plural
Nominativ der Fuchsbau die Fuchsbaue
Genitiv des Fuchsbaues des Fuchsbaus der Fuchsbaue
Dativ dem Fuchsbau den Fuchsbauen
Akkusativ den Fuchsbau die Fuchsbaue

Wie nennt man einen Fuchsbau?

Fuchsbau ist die Bezeichnung für: den Bau des Fuchses, siehe Rotfuchs#Bauanlage.

What is the plural form of circus?

Answer The plural form of circus is circuses.

What is a travelling circus?

1 A travelling company of acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers which gives performances, typically in a large tent, in a series of different places. ‘It’s all quite a long way removed from the life he and his father once knew, as entertainers in a travelling circus.’

How many animals are there in the circus?

‘The circus, the nomadic tent show of breathtaking performances, is on.’ ‘Maybe he and his niece could join a traveling circus to get by.’ ‘The three-ring circus is made up of around 180 performers and 80 animals.’ ‘Often, I feel a bit like a high-wire circus performer working without a net.’

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What has time eroded from the circus?

‘Time had eroded all things: the circus tents, the faces of young performers, the swiftness of reactions and the size of audiences.’ ‘But, unlike the old circus shows with their clowns and candyfloss, this performance is governed by a sophisticated theatrical sensibility.’ ‘The circus, the nomadic tent show of breathtaking performances, is on.’