Wie hoch waren die Produktionskosten von Game of Thrones?

Wie hoch waren die Produktionskosten von Game of Thrones?

4. Game of Thrones ( HBO): 15 Mio. $ pro Episode. Bei „Game of Thrones“ sieht man, wo die Kosten entstehen: aufwändige Ausstattung, detailverliebte Kostüme, exotische Schauplätze.

Wie teuer war die 8 Staffel Game of Thrones?

Die finalen Folgen der achten und letzten Staffel von „Game of Thrones“ sprengen das bisherige Serien-Budget des TV-Senders HBO: Stolze 15 Millionen US-Dollar stehen laut „Variety“ den GOT-Machern pro Episode zur Verfügung.

Wer hat Game of Thrones produziert?

Game of Thrones

Originalsprache Englisch, Dothraki, Valyrisch
Jahr(e) 2011–2019
Produktions- unternehmen Television 360, Grok! Television, Generator Entertainment, Startling Television, Bighead Littlehead
Länge 50–80 Minuten

What is the plot of Boardwalk Empire?

… Set in the Prohibition era of the 1920s Boardwalk Empire is the story of Enoch „Nucky“ Thompson, the treasurer of Atlantic County, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Due to his relationships with mobsters as well as political contacts, the Federal Government start to take an interest in him.

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Is Boardwalk Empire a good show to watch?

Boardwalk Empire is absolutely, without a doubt one the best gangster shows ever created. Every season is as addictive as the last. Steve Buscemi leads an amazing cast as he gives one of the best performances ever put on tv! This is tv at its best so don’t miss it!

What awards did Boardwalk Empire win at the 9th annual awards?

Boardwalk Empire also won two awards at the 9th Annual Visual Effects Society Awards. The first for Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Broadcast Program and second for Outstanding Models & Miniatures in a Broadcast Program or Commercial.

Where was the original Boardwalk Empire filmed?

The show used a large ensemble cast and a specially constructed boardwalk set to re-create the Prohibition and Jazz Era, and was based on Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times and Corruption of Atlantic City by Nelson Johnson. Filming for the pilot took place at various locations in and around New York City in June 2009.

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