Wie ist Assad an die Macht gekommen?

Wie ist Assad an die Macht gekommen?

Assad trat im Jahr 2000 als Nachfolger seines Vaters Hafiz al-Assad die Ämter als Generalsekretär der Baath-Partei und als Staatspräsident Syriens an. Er trug somit durch Unterdrückung zu dem auf den arabischen Frühling folgenden Bürgerkrieg in Syrien bei.

Ist Assad verheiratet?

Asma al-Assadverh. 2000
Baschar al-Assad/Ehepartner

Wie kam Hafiz al-Assad an die Macht?

Am 16. November 1970 putschte Assad. Im Rahmen dieses offiziell als Korrekturbewegung bezeichneten Umsturzes ließ Assad seine Konkurrenten Dschadid und Atassi inhaftieren und ernannte Ahmed al-Chatib zum zeremoniellen Staatsoberhaupt.

What is the Hafezieh in Shiraz?

Twenty years after his death, a tomb, the Hafezieh, was erected to honor Hafez in the Musalla Gardens in Shiraz. The current mausoleum was designed by André Godard, a French archeologist and architect, in the late 1930s, and the tomb is raised up on a dais amidst rose gardens, water channels, and orange trees.

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Where can I find a miniature of Hafez?

Divan of Hafez, with a Persian miniature at left and ghazals in nastaliq at right. Signed by Shah Qasem, 1617. National Museum of Iran, Tehran, Persia. Many semi-miraculous mythical tales were woven around Hafez after his death.

What is the meaning of the name Hafez al-Assad?

In this Arabic name, the surname is al-Assad. Hafez al-Assad (6 October 1930 – 10 June 2000) was a Syrian statesman and military officer who served as President of Syria from 1971 to 2000.

What are the characteristics of Hafez’s poetry?

Hafez is best known for his poems that can be described as „antinomian“ and with the medieval use of the term „theosophical“; the term „theosophy“ in the 13th and 14th centuries was used to indicate mystical work by „authors only inspired by the holy books “ (as distinguished from theology ).