Wie lange brauchte Francis Drake um die Welt?

Wie lange brauchte Francis Drake um die Welt?

Feuerland ist nicht, wie immer vermutet, die Nordspitze des großen Südkontinents, sondern das südliche Ende Südamerikas. Nach 16 Tagen ist Drake im Pazifik. Er fährt die gesamte Westküste von Südamerika hoch – und wird wieder zum Piraten.

Wer umsegelte als erster Engländer die Welt?

Die Galeone „Pelican“ war das Flaggschiff einer Expedition, mit der Francis Drake 1577 in See stach. Auf der Reise, die drei Jahre dauern sollte, wurde das Schiff in „Golden Hinde“… umbenannt. Francis Drake (1540-1596) umsegelte als erster Engländer die Welt.

What happened to Sir Francis Drake’s ships?

Of the five-ship fleet, two ships were lost in a storm; the other commander, John Wynter, turned one back to England and another disappeared. Drake’s 100-ton flagship, the Pelican (which he later renamed the Golden Hind), was the only vessel to reach the Pacific, in October 1578.

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Who was Sir Francis Drake’s father?

He was the oldest of the twelve sons of Edmund Drake (1518–1585), a Protestant farmer, and his wife Mary Mylwaye. The first son was alleged to have been named after his godfather Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of Bedford.

What is the name of the British TV series about Drake?

British television series. Sir Francis Drake (aka The Adventures of Sir Francis Drake) is a 1961-1962 British adventure television series starring Terence Morgan as Sir Francis Drake, commander of the sailing ship the Golden Hind. As well as battles at sea and sword fights, the series also deals with intrigue at Queen Elizabeth’s court.

How did Sir Francis Drake’s accomplishments cement English dominance at sea?

Sir Francis Drake’s accomplishments cemented English dominance at sea. The Spanish Armada never fully recovered from Drake’s victories. This loss weakened their grip in the New World, and allowed the English to establish themselves as a great empire.

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