Wie lange hat Brad Pitt fur Troja trainiert?

Wie lange hat Brad Pitt für Troja trainiert?

Brad Pitt: Was er für „Troja“ erreichen musste Dafür hatte der Schauspieler sechs Monate Zeit.

Wie alt Brad Pitt Fight Club?

In dem Kultfilm konnte der mittlerweile 53-Jährige nicht einfach auf seinem schauspielerischen Talent ausruhen, er musste sich im Vorfeld einen perfekt definierten Körper antrainieren. Während der Dreharbeiten soll er bei einer Körpergröße von rund 180 cm 70 Kilogramm auf die Waage gebracht haben.

Was Brad Pitt forced to do the movie Troy?

Brad Pitt wasn’t the biggest fan of Troy – and he admits that he was ‘forced’ to do the film after pulling out of another one. The actor notably starred as Achilles in the 2004 historical war movie, but he wasn’t particularly fond with the production’s plot, and working on the project has since inspired him to work with much stronger directors.

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What kind of movies has Brad Pitt been in?

The actor has portrayed several distinctive roles ranging from a full-blown psycho (in Fight Club) to a man who ages backward (in The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button ). The actor has also worked in several popular war-dramas. Take a look at Brad Pitt’s war films that you shouldn’t miss.

Which movie made Brad Pitt’s muscles bigger?

But while Pit’s shredded Fight Club torso is credited with spawning a million gym memberships, it’s the 2004 historical epic, Troy that saw Pitt pack on the most muscle of his career, to take on the role of Achilles. Playing a literal soldier of mythical proportions, it was obvious Pitt needed to get into the shape of his life.

How much did Paul Bana pay Brad Pitt for the movie?

Pitt ended up paying Bana $750, and Bana didn’t owe Pitt anything. Throughout the film, whenever Hector, Paris, Achilles, and Menelaus all draw their swords, metal scraping can be heard as they are pulled from their shields.

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