Wie lange hat Chris Watts bekommen?

Wie lange hat Chris Watts bekommen?

Im November verurteilte ein Richter in Colorado den 33-jährigen Chris Watts zu mehrfach lebenslänglicher Haft. Er hatte seine schwangere Ehefrau Shanann (34) und seine Töchter Töchter Bella (4) und Celeste (3) ermordet – und die Polizei und Staatsanwalt lange belogen.

Was ist mit Shanann Watts passiert?

Chris Watts hat gestanden, seine schwangere Ehefrau Shanann (38) und seine zwei Töchter Bella (4) und Celeste (3) ermordet zu haben. Wochenlang gab er vor, seine Ehefrau nur aus Notwehr getötet zu haben.

Who is Chris Watts and what happened to Shannan Watts?

Chris Watts, 35, has revealed details of his pregnant wife’s murder in a bombshell message from jail in Wisconsin, US. Watts reportedly detailed the murder of Shannan Watts in one of his prison letters – as he also revealed that he’d been thinking about killing the loving mum for „weeks.“

What happened to shanann watts and her daughters Bella and Celeste?

Shanann Watts and her two young daughters Bella and Celeste went missing in August 2018. Upon learning of the disappearance, Kessinger reportedly went to police with her concerns, claiming she did not know Shanann was pregnant until she saw news reports about the missing woman and her daughters.

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What happened to shanann Watts‘ autopsy report?

That’s contained in her autopsy report. Shanann was strangled and the children were smothered. Chris Watts is the subject of a new Netflix series called “American Murder: The Family Next Door.” The two girls were found in oil drums. Shanann was found in a shallow grave at an oil site near the drums.

Why did shanann Watts‘ grandparents not come to her wedding?

The grandparents reportedly did not come to the party, and the family was still in conflict over the incident at the time of the murders. According to her friend, Shanann said that Cindy Watts had never liked her and regularly undermined her. The discovery documents note multiple times that Chris’s parents did not attend his wedding to Shanann.