Wie nennen sich Taylor Swift Fans?

Wie nennen sich Taylor Swift Fans?

Zwar wissen echte „Swifties“, wie sich Taylors Fans nennen, dass das nicht der Wahrheit entspricht – nicht umsonst kürt der „Rolling Stone“ Taylor Swift 2015 zu einer der 100 besten Songwriter aller Zeiten – aber es ist nicht von der Hand zu weisen, dass ihre Exfreunde ein wiederkehrendes Thema für die Sängerin sind.

Wie werden die Fans von Superstar Taylor Swift oft genannt?

Rückendeckung erhält Taylor Swift nicht nur von ihren Fans. Sie hat neben ihrer Familie auch eine große Gruppe berühmter Freunde um sich geschart, die fest zusammenhält – auch bekannt als „Taylors Squad“.

Does Taylor Swift write about her ex-boyfriends?

Taylor Swift has stated that she has written songs about all of her ex-boyfriends. So this is a list of who was the inspiration for what song, what interviews she talked about it in, and any other relevant information. Some of these might be fan conclusions as Taylor has not confirmed most of them.

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What is Taylor Swift’s full name?

Taylor Swift Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family, Biography & More Bio/Wiki Bio/Wiki Full Name Taylor Alison Swift Nickname (s) Swifty, Aly, Tails, T, Tayter Tot, TayTa Profession (s) Singer, Songwriter, Record Producer, Mus Physical Stats & More Physical Stats & More

What did Taylor Swift’s father do for her?

Taylor’s father purchased three per cent shares in Borchetta’s company. Taylor started working on her first album and released her first album ‘Taylor Swift’ on 24 October 2006 under the music label, Big Machine Records. The album was a great hit and had sold over 7.75 million copies worldwide.

What instruments does Taylor Swift Play?

Taylor swift is well versed in playing various instruments like guitars (acoustic, electric, banjo), piano, and ukulele. Swift is one of the youngest songwriters that Sony/ATV Music publishing house has ever signed. Taylor has more than 600 nominations under her name.