Wie nennt Sebastian Ciel?

Wie nennt Sebastian Ciel?

Sebastian Michaelis (セバスチャン ミカエリス Sebasuchan Mikaerisu) erscheint das erste Mal in der ersten Staffel von Kuroshitsuji in Folge 1 „Sein Butler ist talentiert“. Er ist ein Dämon und der Butler von Ciel Phantomhive.

Was für ein Geschlecht hat grell?

Grell ist masoistisch. In einem Charakterinterview gesteht Grell, dass sie Sebastian und William gleich begehrt, obwohl beide sehr kalt zu ihm/ihr sind.

Wie heißt der Bruder von Ciel Phantomhive?

Ciel ist nicht sein echter Name, das ist der Name von seinem verstorbenen Bruder Earl Ciel Phantomhive.

Wer ist der Synchronsprecher von Ciel Phantomhive?

Anzahl Sprechrollen: 51

Darsteller Sprecher Rolle
(Maaya Sakamoto) Sebastian Fitzner Ciel Phantomhive
(Yukari Tamura) Olivia Büschken Elizabeth Midford
(Yuuki Kaji) Dirk Petrick Finnian
(Hisayoshi Suganuma) Thomas Schmuckert Fred Abberline
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Who is Sebastian Michaelis in Black Butler?

Sebastian Michaelis is the titular deuteragonist of the manga and anime series Black Butler ( Kuroshitsuji ). He is the butler of the Phantomhive household and acts as Ciel Phantomhive ’s bodyguard/butler, two jobs that he is completely devoted to.

Who is Sebastian Michaelis in Phantomhive?

Sebastian Michaelis (セバスチャン・ミカエリス, Sebasuchan Mikaerisu) is the demon butler of the Phantomhive household . Sebastian takes on the appearance of a tall, handsome adult with black hair, red eyes, pale skin, and black fingernails. The back of his left hand contains the mark of his Faustian contract with Ciel Phantomhive.

What is Sebastian’s demonic form in ‚Ciel‘?

Sebastian’s demonic form hasn’t been fully revealed, but it has been hinted at multiple times. He seems to wear black stilettos, has black wings, and has many eyes. It also seems to be atrocious, as when Ciel first saw it, he had the urge to run away. NEXT: Black Butler: 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Ciel Phantomhive

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Does Sebastian ever call Ciel by his real name?

Sebastian never calls Ciel by his name. In Season 2, Sebastian did say Ciel’s name. The manga reveals that he only calls him „Young Master“ because one of Ciel’s wishes was for him never lie. It is known that Sebastian does not sleep, except as a luxury and frequently does tasks for Ciel at night.