Wie sieht C-3PO aus?

Wie sieht C-3PO aus?

C-3PO (kurz 3PO) war ein Protokolldroide, der mit seinem Weggefährten R2-D2 einige der wichtigsten Ereignisse der galaktischen Geschichte miterlebte….

Erbauer: Anakin Skywalker
Typ / Bezeichnung: Protokolldroide
Besondere Merkmale: goldene Außenhülle roter Ersatzarm

Woher R2D2 seinen Namen bekommen hat?

Trivia: Der Name R2-D2 entstand beim Tonschnitt von George Lucas‘ zweitem Kinofilm American Graffiti, der 1973 herauskam. Cutter Walter Murch benutzte beim Schnitt den Jargon-Ausdruck „R2D2“, der so viel wie „Rolle 2, Dialogspur 2“ bedeutete.

What kind of Droid is a C 3PO?

―C-3PO. The 3PO-series protocol droid was a Human-cyborg relations protocol droid produced by Cybot Galactica. The model series had very similar aesthetic design in its casing to other Cybot Galactica droid model series such as the TC-series, 3PX-series, and 5YQ-series protocol droids.

Who is C-3PO in Star Wars?

„I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations.“ The 3PO-series protocol droid, also known as the 3PO-series protocol unit or 3PO-series droid, was a model of protocol droid produced by Cybot Galactica sometime prior to the Invasion of Naboo.

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What is the origin of C-3PO’s shape?

The basic shape of C-3PO, and thus the 3PO-series, was inspired by Maria, a robot in the 1927 German silent film Metropolis, and sculptress Liz Moore further developed the droid’s design.

What happened to C-3PO and R2-D2 in Star Wars?

C-3PO and R2-D2 narrowly avoid Darth Vader and his stormtroopers, fleeing the doomed diplomatic cruiser in an escape pod to the desert planet of Tatooine. After Jawa traders take C-3PO and R2-D2 captive, they are soon sold to moisture farmer Owen Lars and his nephew Luke Skywalker.