Wie spricht man Keanu Reeves aus?

Wie spricht man Keanu Reeves aus?

Keanu Charles Reeves [kiːˈɑːnu] (* 2. September 1964 in Beirut, Libanon) ist ein kanadischer Filmschauspieler, Musiker (Bassist), Filmregisseur, Autor und Filmproduzent.

Was bedeutet der Name Keanu?

Der Name Keanu (hawaiisch ke anu „der Kühle“) kommt aus Hawaii. Die gelegentliche Vergabe dieses Vornamens setzte in Deutschland in den 1990er Jahren ein.

Wo dreht Keanu Reeves zur Zeit?

Etwa ein Jahr nach dem „Matrix“-Dreh ist der Schauspieler jetzt nach Deutschland zurückgekehrt. Keanu dreht wieder in Berlin! Der Kanadier steht zurzeit in der Rolle des John Wick für eine andere actionreiche Filmreihe vor der Kamera.

Wo ist Keanu Reeves geboren?

Beirut, Libanon
Keanu Reeves/Geburtsort

What is the nationality of Keanu Reeves?

Keanu Charles Reeves, whose first name means „cool breeze over the mountains“ in Hawaiian, was born September 2, 1964 in Beirut, Lebanon. He is the son of Patricia Taylor, a showgirl and costume designer, and Samuel Nowlin Reeves, a geologist. Keanu’s father was born in Hawaii, of British, Portuguese, Native Hawaiian, and Chinese ancestry, and…

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What has Keanu Reeves been up to outside of acting?

Outside of film acting, Reeves has pursued other forms of artistry, including stage acting, music performing, and directing. Onstage, he performed as Prince Hamlet for the Manitoba Theatre Centre’s production of Hamlet.

Why was Keanu Reeves‘ performance in speed so controversial?

In 1994, Reeves‘ career reached a new high as a result of his starring role in the action film Speed. His casting in the film was controversial because he was primarily known for comedies and indie dramas with the exception of Point Break.

Is Keanu Reeves in the next John Wick movie?

Reeves will return in the fourth John Wick film, scheduled for release on May 21, 2021. Reeves will portray the character Johnny Silverhand in the 2020 video game Cyberpunk 2077; he has completed motion capture and voice recordings for the role.