Wie viel Wunsche erfullt Shenlong?

Wie viel Wünsche erfüllt Shenlong?

Nachdem Gott und Piccolo sich vereint haben stirbt Shenlong, doch Dende holt ihn zurück ins Leben. Als Gott Shenlong erschaffen hatte, hatte man einen Wunsch frei. Bei Dende konnte Shenlong sogar zwei Wünsche erfüllen, später drei Wünsche.

Was kann man mit dragonballs machen?

Ein Dragon Ball mit vier Sternen. Die Dragon Balls sind sieben jeweils von einem Namekianer geschaffene, magische Kristallkugeln, mit denen man einen heiligen Drachen namens Shenlong beschwören kann, der einem jeden erdenklichen Wunsch erfüllen kann.

Is Goku the strongest Saiyan?

Before we rush to judgment and say that Goku is the strongest saiyan in the DBZ Universe, we have to consider the many mitigating factors in the franchise. For instance, Vegeta is the prince of Saiyans, Broly is a Legendary Super Saiyan, and Raditz wouldn’t have even be defeated had it not been for Piccolo’s help.

Does Freeza have more potential than Goku?

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Vegeta has more potential than Goku. Vegeta actually surpassed Goku during the Android Saga. Vegeta had his potential brought out and it was coincidentally as high as Goku’s. During the battle against Golden Freeza, Vegeta was capable of seeing through his weaknesses before Goku could.

Does Freeza respect Goku?

But there’s no doubt about it, Frieza has an inkling of respect for Goku because he’s the only character Frieza has extended monologues about. savior2005 Well-Known Member. Nov 16, 2017 #17 Yes he respects him. After this arc he will give up his hatred regarding goku and become his friend, his nakama, his rival. He will stop his evil ways.

Is Super Shenron more powerful than Zeno?

It is possible that Super Shenron is as strong as Zeno, however, it seems unlikely. There is a rule about Dragon Balls that you cannot make a wish to a dragon that exceeds it’s power.
