Wie viele Alpha ARCs gab es?

Wie viele Alpha ARCs gab es?

“ Alpha-Advanced Recon Commandos, oder kurz Alpha-ARCs, waren eine der frühen Klonkrieger-Generationen. Sie bestand aus insgesamt 100 Klonsoldaten, die alle schon von Geburt an zu Spezialeinheiten ausgebildet wurden.

Wer war der Spender für die Klonarmee?

Der Auftraggeber Im Jahr 32 VSY gab Jedi-Meister Sifo-Dyas den Kaminoanern, Bewohnern des Wasserplaneten Kamino, den Auftrag zur Produktion einer Klonarmee für die Galaktische Republik.

Wann stirbt Fives?

ARC-5555 wurde durch Coruscant gehetzt und wurde schließlich von CC-1010 getötet, nachdem er Anakin Skywalker und CT-7567 über die Verschwörung informiert hatte. Es ist noch unklar, ob diese daraufhin etwas unternahmen.

Wer ist Meister Saifedias?

Sifo-Dyas, von Dooku auch Si genannt, war ein Jedi-Meister des Alten Jedi-Ordens und ein Mitglied des Hohen Rates der Jedi zur Zeit der Galaktischen Republik.

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What does Clone Commandos Mean?

Clone commandos, also known as Republic commandos, were elite clone troopers that served in the Grand Army of the Republic ’s Special Operations Brigade during the Clone Wars. A result of the Kaminoans ‚ genetic experimentation with the Jango Fett template, they were special forces soldiers noted for their training and elite status in the clone

Who are the clone troopers in Star Wars?

― Kal Skirata [src] Clone Commandos, also known as Republic Commandos and later as Imperial Commandos, were elite clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic and later the Stormtrooper Corps.

Why didn’t the Jedi use clone commandos in Star Wars?

However, due to the fact that the Jedi had not yet been prepared to lead an army, nor could they distinguish clone commandos from regular infantry troops, roughly fifty percent of the commandos died in the first battle. Despite their training as elite soldiers, the commandos were unfit to perform the role of the infantry-based clone troopers.

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What were the commandos in Star Wars?

As the conflict between the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems swept across the galaxy, the commandos were organized into squads that supported the Republic war effort as an elite group within the Grand Army.