Wie viele Level gibt es bei Geometry Dash?

Wie viele Level gibt es bei Geometry Dash?

Geometry Dash Lite Es gibt aber keinen Level-Editor, deswegen auch keine Onlinelevel, weniger Icons und (derzeit) nur 13 Level; dafür aber Werbung. Da man keine Onlinelevel spielen kann, gibt es auch keine Custom-Music oder den Vault. Die Lite-Version trägt die Versionsnummer 2.2.

Wie viele Downloads hat Geometry Dash?


CHIP Redaktion Gut 91 Nutzerwertungen 3,5
Kompatibel mit Android OS
Sprache: Deutsch
Downloadzahl: 74.626
Version: 2.111 – vom 03.04.2014

Wie viel kostet Geometry Dash?

BlueStacks präsentiert: Android-Apps für Windows Hierbei handelt es sich jedoch nur um eine beschränkte Test-Version. Die Vollversion von Geometry Dash erhalten Sie für Windows und Mac im Steam Store. Hier kostet das Game aktuell 3,99 Euro.

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Ist Geometry Dash Lite kostenlos?

Später wurde es in „Geometry Dash“ umbenannt. Derzeit gibt es vier kostenlose Versionen des Spiels, eine davon ist „Geometry Dash Lite“, die nun die ersten 13 Level der Vollversion enthält.

Wie installiert man Geometry Dash?

Anleitung zur Installation Startet Andy und loggt euch mit eurem Google-Account ein. Andy simuliert ein Android-Tablet auf eurem Rechner. Nun öffnet ihr den Play Store und sucht nach Geometry Dash. Ihr solltet es kostenlos herunterladen können, wenn ihr es vorher schon auf eurem Smartphone erworben habt.

What’s new in the New Geometry Dash Update 2?

Update 2.2 will be the fourth consecutive update to feature a new game mode. Update 2.2 will be the biggest and probably heaviest update to Geometry Dash so far, with at least 65 new features. As of 7 Jan 2021, previews have been revealed of 48 icons, 5 ships, 6 balls, 1 UFO, 4 waves, 1 robot, 2 spiders and 5 of the upcoming form.

What happened to Geometry Dash on Steam?

An update was released for Geometry Dash on Steam. This update consisted of RobTop changing the tags in the Steam page of the game, possibly updating them ready for 2.2. 20th December: It’s confirmed in the GD Discord server that a link to the server will be added in Update 2.2, and that the Discord themed icon will be rewarded for joining.

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Is there a penguin in Geometry Dash SubZero?

One of the penguins and a slime from Mastergame by Serponge in the fourth image. Many 2.2 triggers and controls have been used in Geometry Dash SubZero. Many levels and layouts have had 2.2 features included in them, such as camera controls, reverse orbs and more.

How long does it take to update Geometry Dash to Electroman?

New level “ Electroman Adventures „! As of May 25, 2021, Update 2.2 has had the longest wait of any Geometry Dash update, at 4 years 5 months, or about 3 years 7 months if Updates 2.1 and 2.11 are considered separate.

What is Geometry Dash?

On geometry-dash.co, we have many updated about music and theme. Your task is to control a square and jump through a series of spiky obstacles to reach the end of levels – movement-shifting transporters without trace into any spikes. Jump through dangerous obstacles in a music-themed action platform game.

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What font do the icons from Geometry Dash use?

The icons from Geometry Dash are used from the Oxygene 1 font, like „Stereo Madness!“, „Dry Out!“, „Jumper!“, „Base After Base!“, „Supporter“, and the icon from Geometry Dash and its spinoff’s logos.

Can you transfer Geometry Dash cubes to full version?

However, in Update 2.2, they will be able to be transferred from these games to the full version via user accounts which is required to unlock cubes 65 to 71 from Geometry Dash Meltdown, cubes 72 and 75 from Geometry Dash World, and cubes 143 to 148 from Geometry Dash SubZero. Complete Theory of Everything in Normal mode (Theory of Everything!)

How many levels are there in Geometry Dash Lite?

In addition to the original game, 3 other spin-off games in the series have been made: Geometry Dash Meltdown, Geometry Dash World, and Geometry Dash SubZero. The beginning of Electroman Adventures, the 13th of 21 official levels in the game and currently the last level of Geometry Dash Lite.