Wie viele verschiedene Metal Arten gibt es?

Wie viele verschiedene Metal Arten gibt es?

Metal ist nicht gleich Metal: Spielarten eines riesigen Genres

  • Heavy Metal. Heavy Metal entwickelte sich in den 70er-Jahren aus dem Hard- und Bluesrock.
  • Death Metal.
  • Black Metal.
  • Thrash Metal.
  • Doom Metal.
  • Progressive Metal.
  • Symphonic Metal.
  • Glam Metal.

Wo entstand Metal?

Heavy Metal ist die Mutter aller Metal-Genres. Hervorgegangen aus Blues und Hard Rock entstand der Heavy Metal am Ende der 1970er Jahre in England, von wo er dann seinen Siegeszug um die ganze Welt antrat.

Was gibt es für Metal Richtungen?


  • Heavy Metal. Heavy Metal ist die Mutter aller Metal-Genres.
  • Black Metal. Black Metal ist seit seinem Entstehen eine extremsten Formen des Metal.
  • Death Metal. Death Metal ist neben Black- und Thrash Metal eine Spielart des extremen Metal.
  • Thrash Metal.
  • Melodic Death Metal.
  • Progressive Metal.
  • Power Metal.
  • Hardcore.
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What is progprogressive death metal?

Progressive death metal is a music genre that merges progressive metal and death metal. The violent, extreme elements from death metal is combined with the intricacy and dynamics from progressive music. This article is a part of my full guide to death metal music. What makes a band progressive death metal?

What genre is death metal?

The genre includes everything from ultra-technical, extreme bands like Necrophagist, Decrepit Birth and Lykathea Aflame to more progressive contemporaries like Opeth and Cynic. The borders between progressive and technical death metal can be hard to distinguish; many bands rightfully belong in both categories.

What are the characteristics of technical death metal?

Common traits are abruptly changing, sometimes chaotic song structures, uncommon time signatures, atypical rhythms and unusual harmonies and melodies. Bands described as technical death metal or progressive death metal usually fuse common death metal aesthetics with elements of progressive rock, jazz and/or classical music.

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What are some examples of progressive metal?

Queensrÿche, Dream Theater, Tool, Symphony X, Shadow Gallery, Angra, and Fates Warning are a few examples of progressive metal bands who achieved commercial success; additionally, many other thrash and death metal bands started to incorporate elements of progressive music in their work.