Wie war Woodstock?

Wie war Woodstock?

Hunderttausende tanzten beseelt im Schlamm, träumten von einer besseren Welt, machten freie Liebe, protestierten gegen den Vietnam-Krieg. Stars wurden geboren. Hier war Woodstock, das größte Open-Air-Rockkonzert aller Zeiten, Inbegriff der Hippie-Kultur.

Wie viel Besucher waren in Woodstock?

Allgemeine Informationen

Veranstalter Woodstock Ventures Inc.
Zeitraum 15. bis 18. August 1969
Website Woodstock.com
400.000 (geschätzt)

Did hippie girls wear bras at Woodstock?

The women’s liberation movement coupled with the sexual revolution meant that many hippie girls left their bras at home when they packed for Woodstock. In fact, it was more common to see unfettered breasts than it was to see a woman wearing a bra.

Who was the audience at Woodstock 1969?

The Woodstock audience was diverse and a reflection of the rapidly-changing times. Some were hippies who felt alienated by a society steeped in materialism. In 1969, the country was deep into the controversial Vietnam War, a conflict that many young people vehemently opposed.

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Was Woodstock ever actually held in Walkill?

Or at least it would host the likes of Bob Dylan, whose faces were frequently seen thereabouts. The town of Walkill was then selected as the location – not Woodstock, but close enough. People applauding at the Woodstock Music Festival, New York, US, 16th August 1969.

Who was Artie Kornfeld at Woodstock?

Artie Kornfeld was a VP at Capitol Records, the youngest on the books. Completing the line up was producer Michael Lang, who’d co-organized Miami’s Pop Festival the year before. Woman running through the mud at the Woodstock Music Festival, New York, US, 17th August 1969. (Photo by Owen Franken/Corbis via Getty Images))