Wird es eine One Direction Reunion geben?

Wird es eine One Direction Reunion geben?

One Direction Fans aufgepasst: Die fünf Jungs planen laut neuesten Hinweisen eine Reunion. Ja, richtig gelesen, fünf – Zayn Malik ist wieder mit dabei. Zum anderen wird Malik bei Google mittlerweile nicht mehr als Ex-Mitglied aufgeführt, sondern wieder als Vocal. …

Warum heißt One Direction One Direction?

Die Jungs bei The X Factor Nach dem Bootcamp verbrachten die fünf Jungs zwei Wochen bei Harry zu Hause in Cheshire, um sich gegenseitig besser kennenzulernen. Als sie zusammen nach einem Bandnamen suchten, fiel Harry der Name One Direction ein.

Are Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson friends?

Harry Styles just completely shocked the whole world with a single tweet. The singer has been giving his fans tons of surprises lately with his new music but his latest tweet woke up a fandom that was obsessed with his friendship with his One Direction bandmate Louis Tomlinson.

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Did Louis Tomlinson address the ‚Larry‘ rumours?

Louis Tomlinson in an interview talked addressed the famous ‚Larry rumours‘. In the interview, Louis also revealed how it changes his equation with Harry. Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles first met on X-Factor and soon became a part of One Direction.

Is Louis Tomlinson dating Eleanor Calder?

In an interview with The Sun back in 2017, Louis Tomlinson commented for the first time on the Larry fan theory and shared his take on his friendship with bandmate Harry Styles. In the interview, Louis said that when the Larry fan theory surfaced for the first time, he was dating his now-girlfriend Eleanor Calder.

Did Harry Styles tweet a link to the smartur website?

The post was then quote tweeted on Harry’s account last night with the link „G:// www.smartur.it/ye. “ The link does not work and leads to an empty web page. The post has since been deleted from Harry’s account but fans quickly took a screenshot which can be seen below.

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