Wo ist Aga Khan begraben?

Wo ist Aga Khan begraben?

Agha-Khan-Mausoleum, Ägypten
Aga Khan III./Ort der Beerdigung

Wie reich ist Aga Khan?

Sein Vermögen wird auf mindestens zehn Milliarden Euro geschätzt. Sein Hauptwohnsitz ist das Château Aiglemont in Gouvieux/Chantilly im Département Oise nördlich von Paris.

Welche Nationalität hat Aga Khan?

Karim Aga Khan wurde in der Schweiz geboren und verbrachte seine frühe Kindheit in Nairobi. Schulen besuchte er als britischer Staatsbürger in Südafrika, Nairobi und London. Das Abitur absolvierte er am exklusiven Internat Le Rosey am Genfersee.

What is the biography of the Aga Khan?

Biography of His Highness the Aga Khan. His Highness the Aga Khan is the 49th hereditary Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslims. In the context of his hereditary responsibilities, His Highness has been deeply engaged with the development of countries around the world for more than 60 years through the work of

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What does Aga Kan stand for?

“ Khan “ means king or ruler in Turkic and Mongolian languages. According to Farhad Daftary, a scholar of the Ismaili movement, Aga Khan is an honorific title bestowed on Hasan Ali Shah (1800–1881), the 46th Imām of Nizari Ismailis (1817–1881), by Persian king Fath-Ali Shah Qajar.

What does aaga Khan stand for?

Aga Khan I ( Persian: آغا خان اوّل ‎, romanized : Āghā Khān-i Awwal or Persian: آقا خان اوّل ‎, romanized: Āqā Khān-i Awwal) or Hasan Ali Shah (Persian: حسن علی شاه ‎, romanized: Ḥasan ‚Alī Shāh) (1804–1881) was the governor of Kirman, 46th Imam of the Nizari Ismaili Muslims, and prominent Muslim leader in Iran and later in the Indian subcontinent.

How did the title of Aga Khan Mahallati enter the family?

King Fath Ali Shah also appointed Hasan Ali Shah as governor of Qumm and bestowed upon him the honorific of „Aga Khan.“ Thus did the title of „Aga Khan“ enter the family. Hasan Ali Shah become known as Aga Khan Mahallati, and the title of Aga Khan was inherited by his successors.

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