Wo ist Antonio Stradivari geboren?

Wo ist Antonio Stradivari geboren?

Cremona, Italien
Antonio Stradivari/Geburtsort

Wie alt wurde Stradivari?

93 Jahre (1644–1737)
Antonio Stradivari/Alter zum Todeszeitpunkt

Wie erkennt man eine Stradivari Geige?

Jede Stradivari trägt die Unterschrift des Geigenbauers und eine Jahreszahl. Sie entdecken diese Signatur, wenn Sie durch eines der Klanglöcher ins Innere der Violine schauen. Wenn die Echtheit des Instrumentes vermutet wird, kann die Zusammensetzung des Lackes und des Holzes überprüft werden.

Did Antonio Stradivari have an apprentice?

An Italian violin-maker, Antonio Stradivari was known to revolutionize the design of violins which are still now known for their amazing tonal quality. There are no significant proofs of his birth date, but he belonged to a family of nobles. At a very tender age, he started his apprenticeship with the famous violin-maker Nicolo Amati .

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What instrument is the noted by Antonio Stradivari?

(Cremona, b c1644; d 1737) For some 200 years, Antonio Stradivari has been recognised as the greatest violin maker of all. His developments in violin design, combined with excellent workmanship and superb materials, produced instruments that, both tonally and aesthetically, have never been surpassed.

Did Antonio Stradivari play the violin?

Antonio Stradivari. He also made some fine cellos and violas. The Stradivari method of violin making created a standard for subsequent times; he devised the modern form of the violin bridge and set the proportions of the modern violin, with its shallower body that yields a more powerful and penetrating tone than earlier violins.

Where was Antonio Stradivari born?

Antonio Stradivari was born in the year 1644 (by some sources also in 1649 or 1650) in Cremona, Italy to Alessandro Stradivari and Anna Moroni. Probably in the years 1667 through 1679 he served as a pupil in Amati ’s workshop.

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