Wo kampft Ahsoka gegen Darth Vader?

Wo kämpft Ahsoka gegen Darth Vader?

Das Duell auf Malachor war ein Lichtschwertkampf zwischen dem ehemaligen Jedi-Padawan Ahsoka Tano und ihrem einstigen Meister, dem Gefallenen Jedi Anakin Skywalker und Sith-Lord namens Darth Vader, im Sith-Tempel des düsteren Planeten Malachor im Jahr 3 VSY.

Wo ist Ahsoka abgestürzt?

Abgestürzt und aufgefangen
» Nächste: Bittere Medizin
Informationen zur Produktion
Originaltitel: Gone with a Trace

Did Ahsoka die in the Clone Wars?

Ahsoka did die once during the Clone Wars but for a very brief period of time. It was 20 BBY and she was on the home planet of the avatars of the Force: the Father, the Daughter and the Son. But Anakin Skywalker and the Daughter swiftly resurrected her, she went on to live at least until 1 BBY.

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Does Ahsoka die in Rebels Season 2?

All this happens in the finale episode of Star Wars: Rebels season 2. The episode ends with everyone believing Ahsoka is dead. However, it is not until season 4 that Ahsoka’s time-travelling escape is revealed. (It also marks the introduction of time travel in the Star Wars franchise.

Does Ahsoka make an appearance in attack on Titan?

While Ahsoka only makes an appearance at the end of this arc, it re-introduces viewers to fan favorite BOBA FETT, who last made an appearance in Episode II: Attack of the Clones. It also introduces viewers to AURRA SING (who briefly appeared during the Pod Race in Episode I: The Phantom Menace) .

What happened to Ahsoka Tano in Season 5?

During the final arc of season five, Ahsoka is framed and imprisoned for a deadly explosion and a subsequent murder, both of which were committed by her friend Barriss Offee. Although eventually exonerated, she becomes disillusioned with the Jedi Council and leaves the Jedi Order in the season finale.

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