Wo lebt Maggie Smith?

Wo lebt Maggie Smith?

Maggie Smith/Bisherige Wohnorte

Wer ist die Schauspielerin von Professor McGonagall?

Margaret Natalie Smith Cross
Dame Maggie Smith [ˈmægi ˈsmɪθ], CH, DBE (* 28. Dezember 1934 in Ilford, Essex, England; eigentlich Margaret Natalie Smith Cross) ist eine britische Schauspielerin.

Ist Professor McGonagall tot?

Langjährige Transfigurationskoryphäe unerwartet verschieden! Vergangenen Dienstagabend um 23:59 Uhr verstarb Professor McGonagall, die bekannte Hogwarts-Professorin, im Alter von 69 Jahren im Kreise ihrer Familie.

What happens to Bertie and Edith in Downton Abbey?

Bertie and Edith (Crawley) Pelham, the Marquess and Marchioness of Hexham, arrive at Downton the day before the royal visit. That night the chairs for the parade seating arrive during heavy rain, and Mary leads a group effort to get the chairs in position while getting drenched.

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Who are the actors in the movie Downton Abbey?

Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Zoë Watson Dancer (as Zoe Watson) Marina Baibara Baroness Valerenay (uncredited) Tom Bennett Downton Villager (uncredited) Alan Billingham York Townfolk (uncredited)

What happened at the end of ‚Downton Abbey‘ Season 5?

By the end of Season 5, according to Bustle, many of the struggles Downton Abbey’s characters faced had all but been tied up in a neat little bow. Edith escaped to London to finally live with her daughter, Mary said goodbye to the two suitors who never stood a chance, and Anna and Mr. Bates were finally reunited.

Who are Mr Wilson and Mr Lawton in Downton Abbey?

They include Mr Wilson, the Royal Page of the Backstairs; Miss Lawton, the Queen’s dresser; and Richard Ellis, the King’s valet. Wilson and Lawton are dismissive and arrogant toward the Downton servants and run rough-shod over Downton butler Thomas Barrow.

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