Wo steht die Villa von Pablo Escobar?

Wo steht die Villa von Pablo Escobar?

Escobar entschied sich für ein Anwesen in Puerto Triunfo, umgeben von einem Grundstück von sage und schreibe knapp 3000 Hektar Fläche.

Wo genau wurde Pablo Escobar erschossen?

Escobar starb, als eine US-amerikanisch-kolumbianische Elite-Einheit ihn 16 Monate später bei einer Razzia in Medellín erschoss: Er hatte aus seinem Versteck heraus mit seinem Sohn telefoniert, wobei die Ermittler den Anruf zurückverfolgen konnten.

What did Pablo Escobar’s house look like?

As well as countless luxury cars, he had 15 planes and six helicopters. His opulent home in Puerto Tiunfo, the Hacienda Napoles, came complete with his own zoo of rhinoceros, giraffes, elephants, and a dinosaur park made with genuine prehistoric bones. For his secret party home on La Isla Grande, Escobar’s plans were no less ostentatious.

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Can you play paintball in Pablo Escobar’s house?

In fact, his place has now been turned into a paintball venue where you can play with your friends. You can have a tour around his house, visit the apartment where he hid his family, and even Pablo Escobar’s jail called ‘La Catedral’ which he built for himself (it had a casino, a nightclub, and a spa).

How to visit Pablo Escobar’s Palace in the Caribbean?

After hours of trekking through the Caribbean forest, you will catch a glimpse of white concrete through the thick tropical undergrowth. The forest floor then gives way to an old, ornately tiled pathway that leads into Escobar’s palace. A 30-foot luxury speedboat lies on its side, overgrown with tropical flowers.

What happened to Pablo Escobar’s luxury complex in Belize?

At the far side of the island, hidden and secluded between the tropical forest and the Caribbean Sea, lies a grandiose complex of luxury buildings. The decay of the structures mirrors the downfall of the man. At the height of his powers, Pablo Escobar was responsible for around 80 percent of the world’s cocaine.

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