Wo wird Pepsi-Cola hergestellt?

Wo wird Pepsi-Cola hergestellt?

Das PepsiCo-eigene Werk liegt ebenfalls in der Rhein-Main-Region, in Nieder-Roden. Dort kümmern sich täglich rund 150 Mitarbeiter darum, dass die beliebten PepsiCo Getränke produziert, abgefüllt und bis zu Ihrem Weitertransport gelagert werden.

Wer ist grösser Cola oder Pepsi?

Die beiden Unternehmen erwirtschaften weltweit Milliardenumsätze, die Coco-Cola Company erwirtschaftete im Jahr 2020 einen Umsatz von rund 33,01 Milliarden US-Dollar, PepsiCo einen Umsatz von rund 70,37 Milliarden US-Dollar.

What is the story behind Pepsi Cola?

Humble Origins. The original formula for what would become Pepsi Cola was invented in 1893 by pharmacist Caleb Bradham of New Bern, N.C. Like many pharmacists at the time, he operated a soda fountain in his drugstore, where he served drinks that he created himself.

Why did Pepsi Change the formula for Coke?

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Pepsi’s efforts were successful enough that in 1985 Coke announced that it was changing its signature formula. „New Coke“ was such a disaster that the company had to backtrack and reintroduce its „classic“ formula, something Pepsi frequently took credit for.

How much does Pepsi cost compared to Coke?

Guth reformulated Pepsi and began selling the soda in 12-ounce bottles for just 5 cents, which was twice as much as what Coke offered in its 6-ounce bottles. Touting Pepsi as „twice as much for a nickel,“ Pepsi scored an unexpected hit as its „Nickel Nickel“ radio jingle became the first to be broadcast coast to coast.

How did Caleb Bradham lose Pepsi Cola?

After years of success, Caleb Bradham lost Pepsi Cola. He had gambled on the fluctuations of sugar prices during World War I, believing that sugar prices would continue to rise — but they fell instead, leaving Caleb Bradham with an overpriced sugar inventory. Pepsi Cola went bankrupt in 1923.

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