Wo wohnt Alex Rider?

Wo wohnt Alex Rider?

Die Titelfigur ist ein Londoner Schüler, der nach dem Tod seiner Eltern mit der im Haushalt helfenden Jack Starbright und seinem Onkel Ian Rider in einem Haus wohnt.

Wo spielt Alex Rider?

Die erste Staffel der Serie „Alex Rider“ wurde zwischen März und August 2019 in London gedreht.

Wann spielt Alex Rider?

Alex Rider (Fernsehserie)

Erstveröffentlichung 4. Juni 2020 auf Prime Video
Deutschsprachige Erstveröffentlichung 7. August 2020 auf Prime Video

Wie alt ist Alex Rider im Buch?

In Band eins „Stormbreaker“ aus dem Jahr 2007 wird der 14-Jährige Alex nach dem Tod seines Onkels zum Agent beim britischen Geheimdienst. Band zehn „Alex Rider 00 – Russian Roulette“ gilt als Vorgeschichte zur Reihe und erzählt die Geschichte aus der Sicht von Alex‘ größtem Feind.

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Who is the main character in the Alex Rider series?

Character of Alex Rider novel. Alex Rider is a title character and the protagonist of the Alex Rider novel series by British author Anthony Horowitz. He has also been featured in three short stories written by Horowitz based in the same canon as the series; Secret Weapon, Christmas at Gunpoint and Incident in Nice.

What is the origin of Alex Rider’s last name?

Rider’s last name comes from the Bond girl Honeychile Rider from the novel Dr. No. Alex was originally to have had dark hair, but after Horowitz saw several surveys that said teenage girls preferred blonde boys, he created him as fair haired instead.

Is Alex Rider a good show?

A slick production that meets a solid storyline has made Alex Rider one of the standout new shows of the past few months. Whilst fans of the original book series by Anthony Horowitz may have already had a view on where the story would go, many still enjoyed the twists and turns of season 1.

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Who killed Alex Rider’s parents?

Ash was the one who had killed Alex Rider’s parents. Ash was presumably English, although he is mentioned as looking very Middle Eastern, and he was presumably born in London, given that he went to work for MI6 with his close friends Ian and John Rider, both brothers (John later became Alex Rider’s father, Ian was his uncle).