Wo wohnt Kasparov?

Wo wohnt Kasparov?

Garri Kimowitsch Kasparow/Bisherige Wohnorte

Wann wurde Kasparov Weltmeister?

2014 nahm er die kroatische Staatsbürgerschaft an. Kasparow war von 1985 bis 1993 offizieller Weltmeister des Weltschachbundes FIDE.

Wie lange ist Magnus Carlsen Weltmeister?

Sven Magnus Øen Carlsen (* 30. November 1990 in Tønsberg) ist ein norwegischer Schachspieler und seit 2013 Schachweltmeister. Im Jahre 2004 errang Carlsen den Titel eines Großmeisters als damals zweitjüngster Spieler – im Alter von 13 Jahren, 4 Monaten und 27 Tagen.

When did Kasparov retire from chess?

Garry Kasparov. He continued to hold the „Classical“ World Chess Championship until his defeat by Vladimir Kramnik in 2000. In spite of losing the title, he continued winning tournaments and was the world’s highest-rated player when he retired from professional chess in 2005.

Who is Garry Kasparov’s wife?

Garry and his wife Daria travel frequently to promote the proven benefits of chess in education and have toured Africa extensively. Kasparov has been a contributing editor to The Wall Street Journal since 1991 and is a regular commentator on politics and human rights.

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What was the World Chess Championship 1984 match between Karpov and Kasparov?

The World Chess Championship 1984 match between Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov had many ups and downs, and a very controversial finish. Karpov started in very good form, and after nine games Kasparov was down 4–0 in a „first to six wins“ match. Fellow players predicted he would be whitewashed 6–0 within 18 games.

What did Kasparov do for the Soviet Union?

Kasparov’s was one of the first prominent Soviets to call for democratic and market reforms and was an early supporter of Boris Yeltsin’s push to break up the Soviet Union. In 1990, he and his family escaped ethnic violence in his native Baku as the USSR collapsed.