Wo wurde der Film Twilight gedreht?

Wo wurde der Film Twilight gedreht?

Eine Kleinstadt am Ende der Welt, in der es oft und lange regnet: Das klingt nicht nach einem Top-Reiseziel. Doch weil die „Twilight“-Saga hier spielt, wurde Forks im US-Staat Washington zum Touristenmagnet.

Wo wurde Twilight in Italien gedreht?

Die italienischen Szenen des Films haben in einer fiktiven Kulisse des Ortes Volterra gespielt, aber die Szenen wurden eigentlich in Montepulciano gefilmt.

How is Edward Cullen related to Bella Swan?

Edward Cullen is the husband of Bella Swan and the father of Renesmee Cullen, as well as the son of Edward and Elizabeth Masen. He is also the son-in-law of Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer and the stepson-in-law of Phil Dwyer. He is the adoptive son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen and the adoptive brother of Emmett, Alice,…

Who is Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga?

Edward is the adoptive son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, as well as the son-in-law of Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer. He is the adoptive brother of Emmett and Alice Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale . After nearly dying from the Spanish influenza in 1918 in Chicago, Edward was turned into a vampire by Carlisle,…

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How old is Edward Cullen when he turns into a vampire?

Edward admits to Bella that he is a vampire, and that although he retains the physical body of a seventeen-year-old, he was actually born on June 20, 1901. His adoptive father, Carlisle Cullen, transformed him into a vampire in 1918 to prevent him from dying in the Spanish influenza epidemic in Chicago,…

How would you describe Edward Cullen’s personality?

Edward is described in the book as being charming, polite, determined, and very stubborn. He is very protective over Bella and puts her safety, humanity and welfare before anything else. He often over-analyzes situations and has a tendency to overreact, especially in situations where Bella’s safety is at risk.