Woher kommt Christian Bale?

Woher kommt Christian Bale?

Haverfordwest, Vereinigtes Königreich
Christian Bale/Geburtsort

Wo wohnt Christian Bale?

Christian Bale/Bisherige Wohnorte

Wie viel Oscars hat Christian Bale?

Christian Charles Phillip Bale (* 30. Januar 1974 in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales) ist ein britisch-US-amerikanischer Schauspieler. 2011 erhielt er den Oscar und den Golden Globe als bester Nebendarsteller in The Fighter.

Hat Christian Bale ein Glasauge?

Als Kind hatte er unter einem Tumor gelitten, bei der Operation war der linke Sehnerv kaputtgegangen. Seitdem trug er ein Glasauge, weswegen ihn seine Klassenkameraden hänselten, und wann immer er es herausnahm, um sie zu beeindrucken, entzündete sich die Augenhöhle, was die ganze Sache nicht besser machte.

How many times was Christian Bale’s dad married?

David Bale, Christian’s dad, was married three times in his life, the second time to Christian’s mother Jenny. However David’s third marriage, which lasted only three years from 2000 until his death from brain cancer in 2003, was to none other than Gloria Steinem, American feminist icon and legend in American political activism.

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How many Batman movies has Christian Bale been in?

In 2005, Bale played superhero Batman in Batman Begins and reprised the role in the sequels The Dark Knight (2008) and The Dark Knight Rises (2012), garnering acclaim for his performance in the trilogy, which is one of the highest-grossing film franchises.

Did Chris Bale do his own stunts in the Dark Knight?

Bale reprised the role of Batman in the sequel The Dark Knight. He trained in the Keysi Fighting Method, and performed many of his own stunts. The Dark Knight was released in the U.S. on 18 July 2008 and stormed through the box office, with a record-breaking $158.4 million in the U.S. in its first weekend.

Who did Christian Bale play in American Psycho?

In 1999, Bale played serial killer Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, director Mary Harron ’s adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis ‚ novel of the same title. Bale was briefly dropped from the project in favour of Leonardo DiCaprio, but DiCaprio eventually dropped out to star in The Beach. Bale was again cast in the role.

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