Woher kommt Zither?

Woher kommt Zither?

Aus dem europäischen Raum gelten das mittelalterliche Scheitholt und das Psalterium als Vorläufer der Zither. Ebenso sind viele Formen dieses Instruments in ganz Asien zu finden, so zum Beispiel in Ostasien die Wölbbrettzithern Guzheng in China, Koto und Wagon in Japan, Đàn tranh in Vietnam und Ajaeng in Korea.

Wie stimmt man eine Zither?

Eine Zither wird nach der Normalstimmung in Quinten gestimmt. Diese lauten: „es“, „b“, „f”, „c“, „g“ „d“, „a“, „e“, „h“, „fis“, „cis“, „gis“, „es“ und „b“. Mit diesem System kann in oben genannter Reihenfolge bis in die tiefen Achter fortgefahren werden.

What does zither use for?

Like a guitar or lute, a zither’s body serves as a resonating chamber (sound box), but, unlike guitars and lutes, a zither lacks a distinctly separate neck assembly. The number of strings varies, from one to more than fifty. The word zither is a German rendering of the Latin word cithara, from which the modern word „guitar“ also derives.

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What musical instrument is a zither?

The zither is a stringed percussion instrument level . The name comes from the Greek word Psalter through the Persian language zither. It is an ancient musical instrument invented probably in Persia from which spread both to India and China, and west to the Middle East and the Balkans. The zither is made usually from wood walnut.

What instrument family does the zither belong to?

stringed instrument: Zithers. Instruments of the zither family, in which the strings lie parallel to and are of the same length as the string bearer (often also the resonator), are especially widely distributed in Eurasia , the Americas, and Africa.

Who invented the zither?

The zither became a popular folk music instrument in Bavaria and Austria and, at the beginning of the 19th century, was known as a Volkszither. Viennese zitherist Johann Petzmayer (1803–1884) became one of the outstanding virtuosi on these early instruments, and is credited with making the zither a household instrument.

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