Woher stammt die Gruppe Coldplay?

Woher stammt die Gruppe Coldplay?

Coldplay ist eine britische Pop-Rock-Band, bestehend aus Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion und Guy Berryman. Sie ist eine der weltweit erfolgreichsten Bands der 2000er Jahre.

Wie reich ist Coldplay?

Chris Martin Vermögen

Geschätztes Vermögen: 110 Millionen €
Alter: 44
Geboren: 02.03.1977
Herkunftsland: Großbritannien
Quelle des Reichtums: Sänger

Wann ist Chris Martin geboren?

2. März 1977 (Alter 44 Jahre)Chris Martin / Geburtsdatum

Woher kommt der Name Coldplay?

Kurz darauf stießen der Bassist Guy Berryman und der Schlagzeuger Will Champion hinzu, und die Band benannte sich erst in Starfish und schließlich in Coldplay um.

Is Coldplay a religious band?

Coldplay is along the lines of U2 who evoke a sense of spirituality in their lyrics and themes though don’t quite correlate it to religion. There are some people who may find their songs to have a religious connection and therefore could be esoteric in nature.

How did Chris Martin meet his Coldplay bandmates?

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At UCL, Martin met his future Coldplay bandmates Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman and Will Champion. Martin performing with Coldplay in 2010 during the Viva la Vida Tour. While studying at University College London, Martin met Jonny Buckland and the two decided to form a band, with Martin as lead singer and Buckland as lead guitarist.

Are Coldplay songs esoteric in nature?

Coldplay is along the lines of U2 who evoke a sense of spirituality in their lyrics and themes thought don’t quite correlate it to religion. There are some people who may find their songs to have a religious connection and therefore could be esoteric in nature.

How many albums has Coldplay sold worldwide?

They have sold over 100 million albums worldwide, making Coldplay one of the world’s best-selling music artists. Martin appeared on Debrett’s 2017 list of the most influential people in the United Kingdom. Christopher Anthony John Martin was born on 2 March 1977 in Exeter, Devon, England, and is the oldest of five children.

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