Warum wurde Hey Jude geschrieben?

Warum wurde Hey Jude geschrieben?

McCartney schrieb das Lied ursprünglich für John Lennons damals fünfjährigen Sohn Julian. John Lennon hatte sich kurz zuvor von seiner ersten Frau Cynthia getrennt und Julian sah seinen Vater nur noch selten. Erst später änderte McCartney, um diese Offensichtlichkeit zu umgehen, den Text in “Hey Jude…”

Wer hat Hey Jude geschrieben?

McCartney schrieb das Stück für John Lennons Sohn Julian, nachdem sich Lennon und dessen Frau Cynthia hatten scheiden lassen. Der Titel lautete ursprünglich „Hey Jules“ und sollte den Jungen über die Trennung seiner Eltern hinwegtrösten.

Wann kam Hey Jude raus?

26. Februar 1970Hey Jude / Erscheinungsdatum

What is the meaning of Hey Jude by the Beatles?

The lyrics espouse a positive outlook on a sad situation, while also encouraging „Jude“ to pursue his opportunities to find love. After the fourth verse, the song shifts to a coda featuring a „Na-na-na na“ refrain that lasts for over four minutes. „Hey Jude“ was the first Beatles song to be recorded on eight-track recording equipment.

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How many takes did it take to record Hey Jude?

Barry Sheffield served as recording engineer for the session. The line-up on the basic track was McCartney on piano and lead vocal, Lennon on acoustic guitar, Harrison on electric guitar, and Ringo Starr on drums. The Beatles recorded four takes of „Hey Jude“, the first of which was selected as the master.

Why did Paul McCartney write ‚Hey Jude‘?

McCartney originally wrote a rough version of the song, called „Hey Jules,“ to cheer up Lennon’s then five-year old son, Julian, during his parents‘ divorce, and it eventually became „Hey Jude.“.

Why did John Lennon choose Hey Jude instead of revolution?

Lennon wanted „Revolution“ to be the A-side of the Beatles single, but his bandmates opted for „Hey Jude“. In his 1970 interview with Rolling Stone, he said „Hey Jude“ was worthy of an A-side, „but we could have had both.“. In 1980, he told Playboy he still disagreed with the decision.

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