Sind Grindelwald und Dumbledore Bruder?

Sind Grindelwald und Dumbledore Brüder?

Aberforth Bruder, Albus, mit seinem Freund Gellert Grindelwald Aberforth mochte Ariana, im Gegensatz zu Albus, sehr und kümmerte sich regelmäßig um sie.

Ist Credence wirklich Dumbledores Bruder?

Vermutlich ist Credence Barebone der unbekannte Bruder von Albus Dumbledore und sein richtiger Name lautet „Aurelius Dumbledore“, wie Gellert Grindelwald behauptet. 1901 befand er sich als Baby zusammen mit seiner Tante auf einem Schiff welches den Atlantik überquerte, um nach Amerika zu gelangen.

Hat Grindelwald Dumbledore geliebt?

Autorin J.K. Rowling gibt nun erstmals einen genauen Einblick in die schwierige Beziehung. 2007 hat „Harry Potter“-Autorin J.K. Rowling offenbart, dass Albus Dumbledore, der Schuldirektor von Hogwarts, schwul ist. Sie verkündete zudem, dass er in seiner Jugend in den zwielichtigen Gellert Grindelwald verliebt war.

How old was Ariana Dumbledore when she was attacked?

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The victim of this act was a six-year-old girl, Ariana Dumbledore, the younger sister of brilliant future Hogwarts headmaster Albus and future Hog’s Head barman Aberforth. ‘When my sister was six years old, she was attacked, set upon, by three Muggle boys.

Is Ariana Dumbledore Albus Dumbledore’s sister?

She was the younger sister of Albus and Aberforth Dumbledore. At the age of six, Ariana was attacked by Muggle boys who saw her practising underage magic , which left her traumatised to the point of rendering her magical abilities uncontrollable.

Why did Percival Dumbledore send Ariana to Azkaban?

Her father, Percival Dumbledore, went after the Muggle boys and was sent to Azkaban for assaulting them. Never revealing why he did it, Percival feared that if the Ministry knew that Ariana had been sent mad by what happened she would spend the rest of her life in St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

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What happened to Ariana’s parents in Harry Potter?

Ariana’s father, Percival. Ariana’s parents, Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, were devastated by their daughter’s attack. Kendra moved the family to Godric’s Hollow and looked after her daughter. Eventually, Ariana accidentally killed her mother in an explosion of uncontrolled magic.