Was wurde Captain Picard tun?

Was würde Captain Picard tun?

Fünf Lehren, wie es Picard tun würde: Lehre 1: Nehmen Sie Leute ins Team, die völlig anders ticken als Sie.

  • Lehre 2: Holen Sie sich unabhängige Beratung – und lassen Sie sich coachen.
  • Lehre 3: Bleiben Sie professionell, aber zeigen Sie Herz – und Humor.
  • Lehre 4: Wenn der Sinn klar ist, bleibt das Team loyal.
  • Was ist Picard für eine Marke?

    Die PICARD Lederwaren GmbH & Co. KG ist ein Lederwarenhersteller aus Obertshausen im Landkreis Offenbach. Das Familienunternehmen vertreibt seine Produkte unter der Marke PICARD. Das Unternehmen hat neben der Unternehmenszentrale im hessischen Obertshausen auch Werke in Bangladesch und der Ukraine.

    Where does Captain Picard rank among the Star Trek characters?

    In 2012, IGN ranked the character Captain Picard, as depicted in the next generation series and films, as the 3rd top character of the Star Trek universe, behind Spock and Kirk in first and second place respectively.

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    When is Captain Picard Day celebrated?

    Captain Picard Day is celebrated by his fans on 16 June every year. The fans chose this date as it is equivalent to Stardate 47457.1 in ‚Star Trek The Next Generation , ‚The Pegasus‘. Wesley Crusher Was Picard’s son in a way.

    What are some of the best Captain Picard quotes?

    You will also find some funny Captain Picard quotes here. 1. “Seize the time… Live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” – Jean-Luc Picard, Season Five, Episode 25, ‚The Inner Light‘. 2. “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.”

    What is Jean Luc Picard famous for?

    Jean-Luc Picard is a fictional character from ‚Star Trek‘, one of the most popular books from author Gene Roddenberry. He is the captain of the spacecraft belonging to Starfleet Academy. Read along to find some of the best quotes by Jean Luc Picard. You will also find some funny Captain Picard quotes here.

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