Wie viele Bande hat Magnus Chase?

Wie viele Bände hat Magnus Chase?

Ausgerechnet Magnus soll den Weltuntergang Ragnarök verhindern. Dafür muss er ein magisches Schwert finden, das seit 1.000 Jahren verschollen ist. Zusammen mit seinen Freunden, der Walküre Samirah al-Abbas, dem Zwerg Blitzen und dem Elfen Hearthstone, erlebt er drei Bände lang jede Menge Action und Abenteuer!

Wie groß ist Magnus Chase?


Verkaufsrang 13052
Erscheinungsdatum 26.05.2017
Verlag Carlsen
Seitenzahl 512
Maße (L/B/H) 22,1/15,1/4,8 cm

Wo spielt Magnus Chase?

Handlung. Das Buch beginnt mit dem 16. Geburtstag des Protagonisten Magnus Chase, der nach dem Tod seiner Mutter seit zwei Jahren in Boston auf der Straße lebt.

Was kommt nach Magnus Chase?

Die Magnus Chase-Reihe in der richtigen Reihenfolge:

  • Das Schwert des Sommers (2016) » bestellen.
  • Der Hammer des Thor (2017) » bestellen.
  • Das Schiff der Toten (2018) » bestellen.
  • Geschichten aus den Neun Welten (2018) » bestellen.
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Is Magnus Chase related to Annabeth Chase?

Trivia Magnus Chase is the cousin of Annabeth Chase, a main character from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus. In Chapter 2 of The Sword of Summer, it is mentioned that Magnus’s birthday is on January 13th. Magnus is the first P.O.V protagonist to openly swear.

How old is Annabeth Chase in the Odyssey?

Annabeth Chase is a seventeen-year-old Greek demigod, the daughter of the wisdom goddess Athena and history professor Frederick Chase, and the paternal cousin of Norse demigod Magnus Chase . She is the head counselor of Athena’s cabin and the architect of Olympus.

What happened to Annabeth’s cousin Magnus?

Natalie also appeared to take Magnus away, and Annabeth would not see her cousin for years after that. As revealed in The Mark of Athena, Annabeth was assaulted by a flood of spiders sent by Arachne at night for three days. Her skin was freckled with bites and cobwebs covered her eyes, mouth, and nose.

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What kind of character is Magnus in the Sword of summer?

–Magnus describes his life in The Sword of Summer. Magnus Chase is a sixteen-year-old, formerly homeless teenager who lived in Boston, Massachusetts. He is the Norse demigod son of Frey and Natalie Chase, as well as the maternal cousin of Greek demigod Annabeth Chase.