Wie bekommt man Super Saiyajin?

Wie bekommt man Super Saiyajin?

Stufe 2 und 3 von Super Saiyajin lassen sich auch freischalten und es ist sogar deutlich einfacher als die erste Transformation: Es hängt nur von eurem KI-Level ab, welche Stufe ihr habt. KI Level 3 schaltet Super Saiyajin frei, KI-Level 4 bringt euch Transformation 2 und mit KI-Level 5 bekommt ihr Super Saiyajin 3.

Wie bekommt man super saiyan in Xenoverse 2?

Das müsst ihr beachten, wenn ihr den Super-Saiyan freischalten wollt: Ihr müsst Level 40 erreichen, um die Mission freizuschalten, die wiederum die Transformation bedingt. Es gibt keine blaue oder Gott-Version des Super-Saiyajins (Super-Saiyajin-Gott oder SSJ Blau).

Why can’t Vegeta go ssj3?

So it’s not that Vegeta can’t go SSJ3, but more of he didn’t necessarily want to, especially seeing the drawbacks of it. He doesn’t really care about the form itself. Vegeta would rather surpass super saiyan 3 with his own super saiyan 2, than go super saiyan 3 himself.

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Why did Vegeta skip the Super Saiyan 3 form?

In Dragon Ball canon, Vegeta is always trying to get stronger, but for some reason he decided to skip the Super Saiyan 3 form altogether. Why? Vegeta completely skipped the Super Saiyan 3 transformation in the Dragon Ball franchise.

Why does Vegeta want to beat Goku?

The point is Vegeta wants to be a lot stronger than Goku in raw power alone. Vegeta’s goal isn’t to win, but to be stronger than Goku; because of his own pride, he doesn’t need or want any special form or technique to aid him. He wants to blatantly be so strong, that nothing Goku throws at him will defeat him.

Why didn’t Vegeta learn Kaioken?

This is why Vegeta never chose to learn Kaioken or Instant Transmission, which are both helpful in fights. This is also why he never learned attacks such as Destructo disk or the Kamehameha. He is way too prideful to give in to other people’s attacks.

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